Is Contentment a Bad Thing?

I watched an episode of The Simpsons the other day entitled "The Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)." In this episode, Marge realizes (after watching a talk show) that she hasn't left much of a legacy in her lifetime except her being a housewife. So, she desperately searched for her legacy only to realize later that she already have one all along, a legacy with her family.

Is contentment a bad thing? It's not that people would settle for just anything, it's just that sometimes people think that they already have everything they need (atleast I'd like to think so).. a goal in life.. somewhere to belong.. somebody to love - (hmmm..sounds familiar). Are we suppose to want more than what we want?


Stainless Steal said...

after reading what you've written and later on finding out something i wish not i did not learn,
i came to dislike the word contentment. haha

yes i say contentment is a bad thing!
to be content means to stop wanting for more, to resign, to EXPIRE!!
and what would life be when one begins wanting no more??
he becomes happy??? lol.
(i dare anyone who can prove this to prove this)
as long as one lives, his feeling of wanting for more will have no end.

contentment really is just a state of mind.
it's the favorite excuse of people who DO NOT have or NO LONGER have the ability + the courage to get
what they really like
what they really want
what they desire
what they love.

we may be what we THINK.
and consequently, we maybe content when we think we are content.
but are we not also what we feel?
can one truly say that he is content when he THINKS he is content but (knowingly or unknowingly) FEELS a desire for more?

contentment is what those who are afraid to gamble choose to live by.

P.S. im not content but i also dont like gambling. :p

jo_cstd said...

contentment really is just a state of mind.
it's the favorite excuse of people who DO NOT have or NO LONGER have the ability + the courage to get
what they really like
what they really want
what they desire
what they love.

What if they already have what they want/love/love/desire?

Anonymous said...

I've never been content, so i have no idea :)

I think some people who claim to be content are only fooling themselves though, maybe they have just given up.

Bub said...

I have always been jealous of people who were content. Even if their life doesn't seem great, they are still content and more important HAPPY.
I don't believe it's just giving up what you want. You can have nothing and be content. It's all mental baby. Peace.
